Clarity can provide technology training – at home, at work, individual or small group.
We can train you in almost any area of technology, at home or in your office with training options to suit a beginner through to the tech-savvy executive who has limited time.
We can also create online training resources for your organisation.
Training & Support
platforms and tools
- REDCap project development
- Qualtrics training
- Research databases and protocols
- Digital Health: Concept & Theory, Tools / Methods Development
- Research data management
- Data harmonisation, sharing/linkage
- Statistics packages – SPSS, R, AMOS
Platform Development
- Data collection methods
- Instrument selection & design
- Ethics and governance pathways
- Biobanking & specimen collection
- Budget planning
- Informatics support
- Developing and implementing systems for the ethical acquisition of record-linkable data for audit, research and health surveillance
local or remote
- security, email, on-line banking, myGov, etax
- Software Packages – Microsoft Office, Teams, Word (letters and documents), Excel (spreadsheets), PowerPoint (presentations); MYOB (accounting)
- Social Media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Skype, YouTube
- Mobile – SmartPhones, tablets – set up and programming, syncing with other devices, backup
Software Developers
Beginner to intermediate
- python
- R/R Studio
- Databases
- Web Development
- Other languages please enquire